Friday, 21 September 2012

Cedac´s fruitful partnership with UNDP

As part of the United Nations Development Programme´s (UNDP) framework for the reintegration and reconciliation of ex combatants in Burundi, CEDAC was invited to participate in a two day technical workshop in Bujumbura on the 18-19th September to present its progress in its projects in the communes of Rugombo and Murwi in the Cibitoke province. The workshop also served to function as a space for the UNDP´s local partners to identify problems and receive technical assistance from the UNDP representatives.
 CEDAC has received funding from the UNDP since July 2012 to carry out local level projects in the Cibitoke province to create 560  short term jobs (reserving 201 positions for females) and other subsequent income opportunities  for both  ex combatants and members of  receiving communities. Having the objective of not only providing individuals with an income but to also foster positive and collaborative relations between existing community members and returnees, this project and similar initiatives proposed by Burundian NGOs are the lynchpin to paving the way towards reconciliation and enduring peace. It is precisely this approach that in the two day workshop the UNDP highlighted the important role of Burundian NGOs in the post conflict state. Moreover, equal importance was given to the necessity to engage local authorities in order to ensure the sustainability and success of community based projects.
In CEDAC´s progress report, it was shown that in six weeks 8km of irrigation canals have been rebuilt  in the Rugombo commune in addition to 6.5km of road constructed between Mibanda and Gitohera in the Murwi commune. These community projects bring people together, provide economic opportunities and have a positive impact on the communes’ development, thus improving the inhabitants´ quality of life. CEDAC has been able to accomplish its targets due to the unwavering support and assistance of the local authorities.
CEDAC would like to express its thanks to the UNDP and partner organisations for the opportunity to share its work with them.
Eric Niragira, founder and executive director of CEDAC, presents a progress report for the Cibitoke province project in a UNDP technical workshop in Bujumbura 18-19th September, 2012.

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